Follow these easy steps of how to create your own Wedding Fruit Cake.
This cake size will be baked in a 8 inch/20cm round cake tin.
Stage 1; Ingredients
Strong White Flour 225grm
Margarine 175grm
Dark Brown sugar 175grm
5 Eggs
Dried fruit mix 550grm
Cherries 75grm
Mixed peel 75grm
Chopped Almonds 50grm
Ground Almonds 50grm
Rind and juice of 1 lemon & 1 Orange
Mixed spice 1/2 tsp
Nutmeg 1/2 tsp
Rum 3tbsp
1. Line Deep cake tin with double layer of greaseproof paper.Cut one circle of greaseproof too the size of
cake tin.
2.Pre-heat oven to 140 degrees/275 farrenheit/Gas 1.
3.Put the Dried fruit mix,Cherries,Mixed peel,Chopped and Ground Almonds,Rind and Juice of Lemon &
Orange,1 tbsp Rum and mix well.
4.Sieve the Flour,Mixed spice & Nutmeg Together.
5.Cream Margarine & Sugar together.Add the eggs,one at a time ,beating each egg in thoroughly and adding
a little sieved flour with every egg,after the first.
6.Fold in the remaining Flour,then stir in Fruit and 1 tbsp of rum gently but well mixed.
7.Transfer to the prepared Tin,smooth top & bake.half way through,place circle of greaseproof on top of
cake held down with a spoon.this will prevent top of cake burning.bake for 2 1/2 hrs- 3 hrs.
8.To check if cooked ,insert skewer in centre of cake ,if it comes out clean,it is ready.When baked,leave to
cool in tin.when cold,prick top of cake with a skewer & pour rum over.